

This device enhances snow's value by providing a container, addressing landscape issues from snow-mud mixtures along roadsides. With its snow-accommodating capability and bottom-sloped design, snow removal becomes straightforward. In the center, a cylindrical projection area effectively captures attention with images of a polar bear, serving an educational purpose on environmental and survival issues.


In Sapporo City, during the winter season, the accumulation of snow mixed with mud along the roads not only hinders traffic but also leads to the scattering of mud and sand, increasing the slipperiness of the road surface. Additionally, this may result in environmental pollution, potentially impacting the city's aesthetics and hygiene conditions.

Therefore, an installation to attract public attention and stimulate cooperation in road maintenance and environmental protection might be essential. It is necessary to explore appropriate snow removal methods and effectively utilize the value of snow.


This device easily accommodates snow with its bottom-sloped design, simplifying snow removal. In the center, there's a cylindrical projection area capturing attention through projection. The removable cover facilitates clearing and adding snow, enhancing interaction with citizens.


This device is designed for nighttime fixed-point projection, aiming to not only enhance the efficient use of energy but also to have the projected images change based on the amount of snow in the carrier. For example, depicting various states of a polar bear such as activity, rest, or food scarcity, it provides a more enriching visual experience.

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